Borromeo Academy History and Geography Curriculum
The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child, an award-winning series of books (Grades 1- 4) to bring history alive serves as the “spine” of the history and geography curricula in the early years and is supplemented by great literature, biography, and poetry of the time and place.
In addition to the study of important national holidays and key American figures (e.g., Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, etc), each academic year will traverse a particular epoch in history, with an emphasis on Western civilization, but also with attention to the many cultures that form our country’s cultural landscape today.
Kindergarten will begin exploring some biblical historical and geographical concepts and begin working with maps, including the study of Bible history, families, neighborhoods, and communities. They will also study the pilgrims and Native Americans, United States symbols, customs, and celebrations.
First Graders will begin exploring the child’s world one step at a time. After learning about family, neighborhood, city, and state, we will begin to study geographical concepts by working with maps, including the study of the oceans and continents. The first grade follows a timeline spanning from Creation to the early explorer and Colonial America to the present. New historical figures are introduced. They will also study the early expiation of the American West. Our American heritage through people: Columbus, Lewis and Clark, Squanto, Pocahontas, George Washington, Paul Revere, Abraham Lincoln, Civil War, George Washington Carver, Buffalo Bill, Daniel Boone, Betsy Ross, Molly Brown.
Second Graders will explore our own rich Missouri history, from the time of the arrival of the Pilgrims. Through this study, Second graders learn the history of their own cities and towns and about famous people and events in Missouri history. Second graders will also explore the beginning of history, the nomads, the earliest writing, the importance of the Nile River to early civilization (Mesopotamia), and the lives of the Egyptians. They will continue their exploration of maps through guided map work of the ancient civilizations they explore, and then later, the world’s great oceans and rivers, continents, and other landforms that make up the world in which they live.
Third Graders will learn about the lives of the Ancient Romans, reviewing the grand, enduring influence Roman culture has had on all Western civilization—from roads to language, to our republican form of government. This early exposure to our Roman heritage will facilitate the study of the founding of America in later years. They will then be introduced to the civilization of the Ancient Greeks, the original Olympics, and great, enduring stories of heroism. Greek and Roman (500BC – 400AD).
Fourth Graders will traverse several hundred years, stopping first in the Middle Ages in England with Beowolf and medieval monasteries, and then onto serfs and noblemen, knights, and castles. They will then explore the historical occurrences in Europe that preceded the discovery of the New World, including the Magna Carta, scientific advances, and religious persecution. Geography will be integrated into the study of history, including first the countries and peoples of Western Europe. Medieval (400 – 1450).
Fifth Graders will study the major civilizations in the New World: the European explorations around the world, particularly in North America; the earliest settlements in North American, and the development of the English colonies. They also study the early development of democratic institutions and ideas, including the ideas and events that led to the Declaration of Independence and Revolutionary War as well as the founding of our republican form of government under the U.S. Constitution. Students will memorize the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble to the Constitution, and the beginning of the Gettysburg Address, exploring what these momentous documents have meant to our country. Early Modern/American (1450-present).
Sixth Graders start the Logic stage of the Trivium with in-depth studies of the ancient world and first civilizations. Discussions on the Nomads leads to Mesopotamian civilizations. The first empires are identified and then on to Ancient Egypt. Students will learn about the first Israelites and the growth of Judaism. Students will deepen their knowledge of the history of Greece by studying its historical figures, mythology, government, culture, and wars. They will be introduced to and become familiar with early Greek philosophers including Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Students will finish by learning about the history of Rome and how it helped form our ideas of law and government, as well as the spread of Christianity. Geography will be intertwined in these studies to familiarize students with the regions from past to present. Ancient (Greek and Roman 500BC-400AD).
Seventh Graders by studying the rise of Christendom. This is considered the Medieval/Early Modern era. Students learn about the first Christians, the establishment of Christian Churches, and the spread of Christian ideas. We will touch on other civilizations such as Islamic, China in the Middle Ages, and Medieval Africa, Japan, and Europe. Famous people of the era include Theodoric the Ostrogoth, Benedict, and Gregory, Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV, Saint Francis, Saint Dominic, Joan of Arc, and several others that will be studied during the year. Geography will be intertwined in these studies to familiarize students with the regions from past to present. Christendom (Medieval/Early Modern 400- 1450).
Eighth Graders will complete the capstone of the Logic stage of the Trivium by studying the New World era. Europeans began to explore overseas and build empires. Columbus reaches the Americas followed by missionaries and colonizers. Students will study the American Revolution and the historic scenarios that were part of this great establishment time period. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and other historical documents of the era will be studied. The Industrial Revolution changed the way people lived and worked in America and played a big role in the Scientific Revolution. Students will learn about all the wars that occurred during this time period, the Treaties that were signed, and the formation of the United Nations. Famous people of the era include Lorenzo the Magnificent, Ferdinand of Aragon, Sir Walter Raleigh, Cardinal Richelieu, Peter the Great, Horatio Nelson, Abraham Lincoln, and several others that will be studied during the year. Geography will be intertwined in these studies to familiarize students with the regions from past to present. New World (Modern/American 1450-present).
Borromeo Academy
804 NE Shady Lane Dr.
Kansas City, MO 64118
(816) 436-1009
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St. Charles Borromeo Parish
A Proud Member Of:
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic School System